Rep| Content Team

  • Laura McBain

    Laura McBain the Co-Director of the K12 Lab at the Stanford Her work focuses on how human-centered design can be used to provide equitable and innovative educational experiences that will help all students thrive in a changing world.

  • Ariam Mogos

    Ariam Mogos leads emerging technology initiatives at the Stanford, where she designs experiences for how to learn and create with emerging technologies, grounded in ethics and digital agency

  • Carissa Carter

    Carissa Carter is Academic Director at the Stanford In this role she guides the development of the’s pedagogy, instructors, and class offerings. She teaches courses on the intersection of data and design, designing with emerging technologies, and design for climate change.

  • Megan Stariha

    Megan Stariha is the program manager for the’s Teaching + Learning team. In this role she curates, cultivates and operationalizes the course offerings. She collaborates with pedagogical and curriculum experts to create experiments and projects that push design education forward, and shapes how student learning experiences are measured and understood.

  • Ariam Mogos

    Ariam Mogos leads emerging technology initiatives at the Stanford, where she designs experiences for how to learn and create with emerging technologies, grounded in ethics and digital agency

  • Carissa Carter

    Carissa Carter is Academic Director at the Stanford In this role she guides the development of the’s pedagogy, instructors, and class offerings. She teaches courses on the intersection of data and design, designing with emerging technologies, and design for climate change.

Rep| Content Team

Laura McBain

Laura McBain the Co-Director of the K12 Lab at the Stanford Her work focuses on how human-centered design can be used to provide equitable and innovative educational experiences that will help all students thrive in a changing world. She was the principal of two High Tech High schools, has taught middle and high school classes in public charter and comprehensive schools. She has also designed and led global adult learning programs focused on designing for equity and deeper learning.

Ariam Mogos

Ariam Mogos leads emerging technology initiatives at the Stanford, where she designs experiences for how to learn and create with emerging technologies, grounded in ethics and digital agency. A constructivist educator passionate about creative computing, Ariam has worked across the US, Asia, Africa and Europe with the Scratch Foundation, World Bank, LEGO Foundation, UNICEF Innovation and other organizations. She especially enjoys working with young makers and facilitates creative learning experiences in local libraries and recreation centers.

Carissa Carter

Carissa Carter is Academic Director at the Stanford In this role she guides the development of the’s pedagogy, instructors, and class offerings. She teaches courses on the intersection of data and design, designing with emerging technologies, and design for climate change. Carissa was a co-leader of Stanford 2025, a multi-year project that envisioned the future of higher education. She loves building accessible, analog prototyping tools for emerging technologies. Her 'I Love Algorithms' cards have won multiple awards. Carissa's first career was as a geologist, and she continues to pursue projects at the crossover between design and science. Maps, and the experiences they create, are consistent threads in her work. Her first book, The Secret Language of Maps, comes out in April 2022. Since 2010, Carissa has taken a photo every day at 6:06pm.

Megan Stariha

Megan Stariha is the program manager for the’s Teaching + Learning team. In this role she curates, cultivates and operationalizes the course offerings. She collaborates with pedagogical and curriculum experts to create experiments and projects that push design education forward, and shapes how student learning experiences are measured and understood. A member of the’s REP team, she designs curriculum and resources at the intersection of design and emerging technologies that aim to increase access and participation in shaping the future of tech.

Karen Ingram

Karen Ingram is a creative director, designer, and artist who uses her skill set to promote scientific awareness. With an origin in painting and textile design, Ingram's professional experience has traversed the arenas of digital design and art direction, creative strategy, event curation, and synthetic biology. Specialties and specific areas of interest include public engagement, synthetic biology & DIY bio, and creative strategy. Karen is a former Synbio LEAP fellow and an emerging technology fellow with the Stanford Karen is one of the co-authors of “BioBuilder, Synthetic Biology in the Lab”.

Lisa Kay Solomon

Lisa Kay Solomon is a passionate speaker, author, educator and thought leader focused on helping leaders learn how to be more creative, flexible and resilient in the face of increasing complexity and change. Currently a Designer in Residence at Stanford University’s Institute for Design (aka “d. School”) and founding Chair of Transformational Practices and Leadership at Singularity University, Lisa’s work focuses on developing, teaching and amplifying the skills, mindsets and behaviors required to lead positive change. Building off of a decade of experience in scenario planning and leadership design, Lisa has worked with innovative leaders from Citi Ventures, CocaCola, Toyota Financial Services, ING, HP, Bertelsmann, Herman Miller, and the Kauffman Fellows Program for Venture Capitalists, as well as social impact organizations like the Packard Foundation, PBS, and various K12 education institutions

Rep| Design Artists

David Alabo

Magazine Issue 1:
Graphic Illustrator


Yifan Wu

Magazine Issue 1:
Graphic Illustrator

Daniel Frumhoff

Creative Direction + Branding
+ Publication Design


Krista Franklin

Magazine Issue 2:
Graphic Illustrator


Erica Holeman

Creative Direction + Branding
+ Publication Design

Rep| Co-designers, Reviewers, and Testers

The REP community is composed of collaborators across the fields of education, computer science, social justice and art who have been critical in the development and dissemination of REP. Collaborators contribute to the design of different issues, support testing and provide feedback, review technical content and share REP with their networks. REP would not be REP without them.

  • Kwaku Aning

  • Jen Gasper Santos

  • Daniel Ramos

  • Louka Parry

  • Ryan Murtfeldt

  • Katie Topper

  • Christopher Barron

  • Michelle Carney

  • John Mitchell

  • (symsys tas)

  • Erica Jiye Yoon

  • Jenny Li Han